A Case for Education


A Case for Education

Equality is the necessity to freedom. To be free is to be free from domination. Freedom from domination requires everyone concerned to be of equal station, station being Latin for “stand,” or where we stand with other people. 

This is the purpose of both our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, to ascertain that if we as individuals are to have freedom, then the strength to have it must reside in our people’s equality, no one being greater than another.

The path to achieving equality of station lies through education, and our ability to use language to influence the choices we make collectively... to debate, and to agree.

So, it could be said that equality = community.

The word currently bouncing around politically is equity, equity differing from equality in the assumption that some people may need different treatment to make their opportunities the same as another’s. The question then becomes, “how much equity, or differing treatment, to achieve fairness?” 

The answer to that question will come from he or she who is better able to influence community.

With these points in mind, it stands to reason that the person who is less educated will always be more open to domination by the person who is more educated, as that person will be better able to influence community.

So, if you fear domination... educate yourself. We are fortunate to live in a country and time where one may establish, or create, one’s own equality through their own effort. 

Well, what are you waiting for? Some old guy who didn’t make it though one year of college’s crummy advice? Go out and grab your equality! 


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