Daddy’s Girl

 A two-toned, red and white Chevy pickup truck was parked in the sparsely grassed spot underneath the shaded limbs of one of the two magnificent pecan trees which dominated either side of the old farm house’s front walk. From the covered front porch clear out to the road could be heard the excited voice of Eli Gold describing live action from The Charlotte Motor Speedway, even though it was only a hand-sized transistor radio. Beside the truck, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a dripping sponge in hand, stood a man caught in a curious pause from his truck washing, having stopped to watch his four year old at play. The child was behaving in an unusual, if enticing manner, having climbed down inside her pink, pedal-powered plastic Barbie car to remove the bicycle-chain linkage which acted as the little car’s transmission. The man’s ’Lil Miss had managed to identify the master link, then had used some unknown tool to pry it apart, and was currently attempting to shorten, or tighten up some slack which had grown with time and use between the gear sprockets.

The man with the dripping sponge didn’t have nearly enough time at home with the kids, so it was with great effort that he resisted the urge to jump in and help his baby girl, though it appeared that his youngest had gotten herself into something that he was uncertain she would be able to resolve on her own. A good father though, the man determined to let her try, just as he would have let her older Bubba try.

The child’s chubby, undeveloped fingers struggled with the tiny pieces of linkage. He watched as she dropped a part, found it again, and spent some time figuring how it fit back with the larger pieces. But she did figure it out! His pride swelled nearly to bursting as he watched her remove a link from the chain and slowly jigsaw the thing back together. Unable to contain himself any longer the man did (finally) step in as his little girl fought to snap the master link back together again, knowing she would not have the strength to do it.
Of course he stepped in. What father wouldn’t? Yet he was smartly cautious to go in with only one foot.

”Here.” He handed a pair of pliers up under the toy car’s chassis, then he watched on amazed as his Missy pondered the pliers for a long moment before finally gripping them correctly, centering the linkage between their jaws, and snapping the chain almost expertly back together with them.

”Fixed it.”

”Yes! Yes, you did. And you made a nice job of it, too!” There was no camera present, so the man made a snapshot of the moment in his mind, desperate to hold on to the memory of it forever, though it was unlikely he could forget.

But the child’s expression remained serious. She took the car in a quick, neat circle around her father before handing up the pliers to him. ”It needs woobwicant.”

After a moment lost in translation the man chuckled aloud, the pride which had swelled his breast having pushed its way up through his choking neck and into his eyes, embarrassing him no little bit. “Yes Missy, it probably does need some lubricant, but how could you know about that?”

”Fiwabaw is teaching me to be a wace caw dwivuh.”

”Fiwabaw? Fireball? Fireball Roberts?”

The girl’s smiled sparkled. “Yea! Fiwabaw!”

”Honey, Fireball Roberts has been dead twenty years!”

Ignored, the man was forced into a trot to keep up as the little car sped off towards his tool bench in the barn, and the can of 3-in-1 oil atop it. He watched from the doorway as his baby girl expertly held the can in place, turning the car’s pedal to rotate and lubricate the entirety of the chain beneath the can’s dripping tip as if she’d done it hundreds, or even thousands, of times.

”Fireball Roberts, huh?” He smiled as he said the name.

”Yea! Fiwabaw!”

You know, Fireball was your Grampa’s favorite, back in the day.”

”Yea! Gwampaw!”

The truck gears ground down as the man pulled out onto the highway towards both town and the Western Auto, his Lil Missy perched happily up on the seat beside him. Momma wasn’t gonna like it one bit, but who was a mother to interfere with fate, anyways?

This smart little daddy’s girl was getting herself a go-cart today!


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